5 Vision Problems A Children’s Eye Exam Will Test For

Your child’s eyes and vision are both important parts of their development. Babies are not born with perfect 20/20 vision, they learn to see over time as their brain continues to develop. As they grow, the pathways between the brain and the eyes start to form, affecting their vision for the rest of their life. If these pathways are not developed correctly, one or both of your child’s eyes will develop improperly and could cause significant vision problems if not treated right away. If there is a hindrance to their vision, the pathways in the brain will not be stimulated and therefore your child may not learn to see correctly. This can lead to irreversible conditions later in life. This is why it is critical to visit your optometrist to diagnose any vision impairments in your child as soon as possible so they can begin treatment right away.

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5 Vision Problems A Children’s Eye Exam Will Test For

Infant eye exams are objective-based whereas older, school-aged children require an eye exam that focuses on their greater visual demands for proper function in a classroom setting. Their learning skills depend on their ability to see properly. In addition to nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, eye exams for school-aged children also test for:

Lazy Eye

Your optometrist will want to rule out “lazy eye” (amblyopia) which is decreased vision in one or both eyes caused by an imbalance in the eye muscles. Amblyopia requires immediate treatment in order to prevent future vision problems that can be irreversible. In order to do so, your optometrist may require your child to wear prescription glasses to strengthen the weaker eye.


Crossed or misaligned eyes (strabismus) could be caused by the eye muscles, the nerves that transmit information to the eye muscles, or the control center in the brain that directs eye movements. Strabismus is a common cause of amblyopia and should be treated right away in early childhood to prevent future vision problems.

Convergence Insufficiency

This refers to the ability to maintain eye alignment when viewing objects close up. This can cause eye discomfort as well as double vision when reading. If your child cannot maintain correct eye alignment, they will find tasks in school much more difficult, hindering their ability to learn and read.

Depth Perception And Color Blindness

Your optometrist will perform a series of tests to check your child’s depth perception as well as their ability to see colour. If you notice that your child is showing any signs of developmental delay, or if your child has difficulty recognizing shapes, colors, numbers, or letters,  inform your eye doctor as this developmental delay may be a sign of a vision problem.

Ocular Examination

Your optometrist will check the health of your child’s eyes by examining their cornea, iris, lens, retina, and eyelids. This will allow your optometrist to look for signs of infantile cataracts, tumors, and glaucoma. 

Children’s Eye Exams In Calgary SE

Optometrists utilize specific diagnostic tools and assessments to determine your child's ocular health and visual abilities. Many learning skills are dependent on the strength of the visual proficiency your child has. Doctors recommend that children receive a comprehensive eye exam before they attend school. Some vision problems, such as crossed-eyes, are best treated when they are detected and corrected as early as possible while your child's vision is still developing.

Specs in the City Optometry provides children’s eye exams in SE Calgary to help safeguard your child’s sight and overall ocular health. Our experienced optometrists use the latest technology to quickly and accurately diagnose any eye conditions your child may be suffering from, so treatment may commence right away. Contact us today to book your child’s comprehensive eye exam by calling 1-403-252-2020 or by filling out our online contact form.


When should my child receive their first eye exam?

Children should receive their first comprehensive eye exam at the age of 6 months old and then once before they enter school at the age of 3 or 4. After that, it is recommended that they visit their optometrist once every two years if they do not require vision corrections.

Do children's eye exams hurt?

The exams are non-invasive and will not cause any pain or discomfort to your child.

My child’s school offers a visual test, is that the same thing as a comprehensive eye exam?

A comprehensive eye exam can only be performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist as they test for ocular health problems and require special tools to see the back of your child’s eye. Visual tests offered by schools will only test your child’s ability to see and will not diagnose any other vision problems such as glaucoma. It is very important not to rely on these tests offered by your child’s school as they will miss critical visual problems that your child may have.

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